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Toulmouche received his early training from his uncle and Amedeo Rene Menard, both sculptors in the port city of Nantes, France. He received additional training from the portraitist Biron who taught in Nantes. At the age of seventeen he left for Paris and studied under the Swiss painter Charles Gleyre. This provided the direction he needed and in 1848 he was ready for his Salon debut. In 1852 Emperor Napoleon III purchased one of Toulmouche's paintings—"La Fille". A year later Empress Eugenie purchased his painting entitled "The First Step". With his reputation assured, he continued to paint charming domestic scenes—mothers and children and young women. In addition to offering the artwork below for sale, Bedford Fine Art Gallery is also actively seeking to purchase artwork by Auguste Toulmouche. Contact Us
Toulmouche received his early training from his uncle and Amedeo Rene Menard, both sculptors in the port city of Nantes, France. He received additional training from the portraitist Biron who taught in Nantes. At the age of seventeen he left for Paris and studied under the Swiss painter Charles Gleyre.... MoreIn addition to offering the artwork below for sale, Bedford Fine Art Gallery is also actively seeking to purchase artwork by Auguste Toulmouche. Contact Us